Norvég politológus: A Nyugat lassan kész beismerni a vereségét Ukrajnában
Glenn Diesen szerint vége a hosszú ideje tartó manipulációnak; a politikai és médiaelit kezd narratívát váltani, ahogy az ukrán proxyháború a végéhez közeledik.
People try to demonize Sanders like, „Socialism is the next step to communism”. That's just insane silliness.
„A year ago, nobody really cared about Bernie Sanders or knew who he was. And here's a guy that is not relying on fear-mongering or Super PACs or billions of dollars. He's just talking about issues that really affect us as human beings, like caring about each other and evening the playing field.
People try to demonize it like, »Socialism is the next step to communism.« That's just insane silliness. Bernie isn't talking about eliminating the spirit of capitalism in terms of the competitive spirit of people being able to lift themselves up by their bootstraps through discipline and hard work and creativity and ingenuity. He's not trying to eliminate making something great of yourself and being part of the American dream. He's just saying, »Let's even the playing field so everybody can get a decent education and have an opportunity to get health care and take care of themselves and educate themselves.« That's what civilization should be about.
»[Bernie] is just talking about issues that really affect us as human beings.«
The bottom line is that everybody deserves to get a good education. This country is completely capable economically of providing a high-grade education for everybody regardless of their economic class. And everybody deserves to have a high grade of health care regardless of their economic class. That is what's going to help [reduce] crime and poverty. That is what's going to make this country a beautiful, vibrant place.
People can still get rich, but it's just giving everybody a chance that everybody deserves. I'm for Bernie Sanders all the way. I believe in him; I believe in what he says. I relate to people who realize that we're all connected, and who realize that we have to look out for each other and love each other. And that's what Bernie's about.”